Nyeri Tulang Ekor

Banyak cedera pada bagian tubuh kita yang sering dialami saat kita terjatuh. Cedera ini terkadang bisa memberikan akibat yang fatal terutama pada tulang kita, apa lagi jika kita terjatuh pada saat posisi terduduk. Salah satu tulang terkecil dalam tubuh yaitu tulang ekor dapat menyebabkan sakit yang luar biasa.

Tulang ekor terletak di ujung bawah tulang belakang. Ruas tulang ini biasanya terlindungi dengan baik, tetapi ketika terluka saat jatuh atau trauma lain, maka tulang ekor bisa memar atau dislokasi tulang.

Segala bentuk cedera pada tulang ekor dapat menyebabkan masalah serius karena terdapat banyak saraf dan otot yang melekat pada tulang ekor, seperti saraf yang mengelilingi seluruh tulang belakang, otot-otot dasar panggul, daerah usus, serta paha dan kaki bagian atas.

Tonton Video Tentang Nyeri Tulang Ekor DI DR OZ INDONESIA :


Parkour dan Gymnastic Anak

Jika Anda pernah melihat orang melakukan lompatan-lompatan ekstrem di bangunan kota, orang-orang ini mungkin sedang berlatih parkour atau sering disebut juga free running. Parkour adalah olahraga yang mengandung gerakan-gerakan yang membutuhkan ketepatan dan kecepatan, dan mengharuskan Anda untuk bergerak dari titik A ke titik B secepat mungkin sambil melakukan gerakan akrobatik. Free running hampir sama dengan parkour, hanya saja free running juga terdapat gerakan-gerakan indah seperti salto, berputar dan gerakan lainnya. Saksikan Video berikut bersama Dokter OZ Indonesia :

Olah Raga Parkour

Geriatric Risk of Falls Profile in Rehabilitation Clinic RSUD Leuwiliang

Background and objective: The importance of risk of falls assessment among geriatric  due to their degeneration physiologic process. Patognomonic of geriatric giant include instability. Timed up and go test has its own validity even in geriatric patient. The purpose of this study is to find baseline data of risk of falls among geriatric at RSUD Leuwiliang.
Methods: Cross sectional study of 15 geriatric patients who performed TUG  to determine  risk of falls.
Results: 15 patients (53% male) of mean (SD) age 68,9 (7,4)years old, BMI 23,4 (4,4), height 1,56 m (0.1), mean TUG 9,5 (1.6). Mean data had normal distribution from normality test, using T test dependent which is 9.5 sec (p=0,02). There were 7 person (46,7%) who had low risk and 8 person (53,3%) had moderate risk.
Conclusion:  Risk of falls among geriatric patient at RSUD Leuwiliang  almost the same between low and moderate risk which is 53% and 47% respectively.

Key Words: risk of falls, TUG, geriatric giant 

Falls or instability is a serious consequences among geriatric that is caused by their degenerative physiologic process that had been highlighted as giant of geriatric. Risk of falls among geriatric is assessed by timed-up-and-go test which has its own validity.  Baseline risk is needed as a pilot data to prepare rehabilitation program among geriatric patient.

Picture 1. Timed Up and Go Test

Cross sectional study of 15 geriatric patients who performed TUG  to determine  risk of falls. Post-test probability of a fall in patients classified as high risk (≥13.5 seconds) and low risk (<13.5 seconds) using the TUG score
Inclusion Criteria:
  • Age >=60 yo
  •  Outpatients at  Rehabilitation Departement, RSUD Leuwiliang
  •  Sign up the informed consent

Exclusion criteria:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Uncooperative
  • Neuromuscular problem


Table 1. Baseline data of the 15 geriatric patients  

  • Male (n,%)                         53.3
  • Age (SD) years                  68.9 (7.4)
  • Height (m)                         1.56 (0.1)
  •  BMI (kg/m2)                     23.4 (4.4)
  •  Mean TUG                         9.5 (1.6)

 Diagram 1. Risk of falls of 15 geriatric patients at RSUD Leuwiliang  

Risk of falls among geriatric patient at RSUD Leuwiliang  almost the same between low and moderate risk which is 53% and 47% respectively.  However, another assessment tool is needed in reference to achieve diagnostic accuracy.


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